The Centrist Rental Central Incident

File:AACAE1B5-EB77-4B7E-B9FD-455AA82226AD.jpg|thumb|An artist's interpretation of the events The Centrist Rental Central Incident took place in 16 December 2018 when Peter|Aihei abused his moderator powers to rename the second TCC group into something only the lovecraftian fever dream that is his mind could come up with. The episode ended with Yacoub Yacoub|Yacoub banning him and barely reverting the actions. The uproar was such that the community returned to the main group, which enabled the Omar-Marwen Schism later on. File:66ED652A-BA9F-4E6C-BEC6-9C9FA6102BE0.jpg|thumb|Group cover image chosen by Aihei during the episode


In mid-2018, the original TCC group had suffered from a strange cut of reach in all posts. Even though it had about 1,4K members and engagement was very high, under two days pretty much every post wouldn't fetch more than a couple views/reacts, let alone comments. Apparently it was an experimental algorithm by Facebook to curb "hateful groups" and ours fell into that category (above all by the sheer number of posts that were zucced from here back then). By late 2018, a backup group was used as an alternative and all activity was moved there. One could argue it was even better in the second group since it was so much more exclusive and interactive. We would change the group's name every few weeks, usually followed by episodes like "The Centrist Chads ep. 3: Journey to the centre of the earth" to keep things fresh.

Ben Shapiro Fans Bulgaria

The community there surely was strong, being smaller and very well-connected, having veterans from the og group as well as previous groups. One of these was no one less than Aihei, which many of you must know. His ways have always been very.... 'eccentric' and 'off-beat'. He was already an active member in the previous group, and had joined the backup under his alt ''Djen Eralkenobee". Even though the group policy of barring people with anime/doge/Roman profiles since the very start, Aihei was/is a truly strong embodiment of "that type". Frankly he was kept around for the meme, as well as his notoriously 'irreverent' takes, usually captioning a doge or smug anime character. One of Aihei's ambitions was to become moderator, for the entirety of the group's history he made it very clear and would often 'insist' to the admins to be made a mod. As a social experiment, I decided to grant him the rank of mod in the backup group around September/October 2018. Back then we still had post approval so letting that guy have a green light to post anything was quite a risk. Surprisingly, for the most part really did anything unbelievably stupid - that is, until THE DAY. "How did that group die?" you, the reader, may ask. Well, let's go back to the group name-change ritual. Back then the backup group was named "Ben Shapiro Fans Bulgaria", in a twisted mockery-tribute to Aihei. We didn't intend to keep it named as such for long. Coincidently, however, around November 2018 Facebook implemented a lock on groups' names whereas they could only have their names changed every 28 days.

The Incident

File:0F831A04-0BB8-479B-8E1E-7E050D7465F3.jpg|thumb|The treacherous Aihei (Djen Eralkenobee) changing the group name before being righteously kicked out by Yacoub This was of little concern, the lock would expire the 16th of December 2018 and we were already voting on the next name. On that very day, given Bulgaria's relative timezone head start, that cby, that absolute autst, being a mod changed the group's name to "Centrist 'Rental' Central ™️" and put a picture of that Australian Mr. Rental character as cover picture. Yacoub, our Patriarch, could not believe His eyes when He woke up to the notifications, He was truly pissed. From the bottom of His heart  He could not understand how that lovecraftian fever dream of a mind that is Aihei's could come up with such a weird, absurd and nonsensical idea. The lock wouldn't allow any admin to change the group's name, we could only change it back to "Ben Shapiro Fans Bulgaria".


File:705C02BE-8E48-4002-ADF6-AB9EAE6BBC1C.jpg|thumb|Yacoub heroically reverting the name change Perhaps a blessing in disguise, with the uproar we noticed that the old group had its reach returned and processed to migrate back. The backup group's activity reduced sharply after that, seeing a noticeable spike with the Omar-Marwen civil war a few months later when it was seized as a bastion of the High Test faction. Most notably, the Centrist Rental Central episode directly