
Peter, also known as Aihei, is a notorious Bulgarian member of The Centrist Chads.

Early Life

Unfortunately, Peter was born in Bulgaria. Understandably, he rejects his heritage as a southern Slav and instead LARPs variously as a Cuman, Kipchak, Volga Bulgar and pretty much everything other than 'slavicised Thracian peasant,' which is, of course, what he is.

The Centrist Chads

Peter joined the Centrist Chads and won himself a reputation as a sperg, shilling for people like Ben Shapiro unironically. Ben Shapiro's physique at the time was sorely lacking. His notoriety was such that the group was sardonically renamed Ben Shapiro Fans Bulgaria in his honour. In Peter's defence, he was relatively young and very Bulgarian at the time.

Peter was responsible for two major episodes in the history of the Centrist Chads. When Peter first joined the group, he repeatedly begged to be a janny like a cuck begging a bull to finish on his face rather than his wife's. Although it is obviously a bad idea to put a Bulgarian in a position of any power for the same reason it is a bad idea to put a monkey in a position of any power (low IQ, poor self control, too much body hair, poor communication skills), the Jannies were, as usual, lazy, spineless, cowardly fucks and gave in, making him one of them. Predictably, Peter immediately fucked up.

The Centrist Chads Rental Central Incident

Main article: The Centrist Rental Central Incident


Main article: One Bulgarian Rule

Unfortunately, due to janitorial incompetence, the One Bulgarian Rule has been poorly enforced, and Peter was readmitted to the group, where he remains today.


Peter enjoys growing selected parts of a beard.

Today's Peter

Peter went to university and got a degree. He is growing out of his awkward late-teens phase and is much less cringe. One might almost describe him as 'based' at times. He is also getting physically better looking. Be prepared for a Peter glow-up in the near future.

He still lacks a bit of confidence and sometimes sadposts about girls and such, but we believe he will get there.
