Flavio's Lore Iceberg
Surface Level
Centrist Chads Central
Centrist Chads Central is the community's page on Facebook, a reasonably big page grown from political shitposting. It is where most people first come into contact with the Centrist Chads groups.
First Layer
Second Layer
No anime
"No anime" has been a traditional rule for TCC groups. By prohibiting any kind of posts containing anime or profiles with anime in them countless insufferable degenerates have been kept away from the groups.
Third Layer
Fourth Layer
Fifth Layer
Sixth Layer
Seventh Layer
Ben Shapiro Fans Bulgaria
Ben Shapiro Fans Bulgaria was a provisory name for TCC's first backup group. Its name was influenced by the deeds of a certain Bulgarian, and the group itself would be the main stage for the Centrist Rental Central Incident
Mr Rental Central
The Rental Central Incident was the epitome of Peter's autism, renaming an entire group on a whim right after its qu-day namelock expired.